Litigation Support
Lynx provides litigators with hard-to-find facts that are specifically relevant to their case.
We know you’re getting a lot of information through discovery, your library and your own online research efforts. We recognize you’re hiring us to answer specific questions and find facts beyond what you already have. Our profiles of opponents are both comprehensive and targeted to help you gain advantage in court and at the negotiating table. We uncover information that might assail the credibility of a witness or opposing party. We scour public records to identify details that are relevant to your case. We identify undisclosed connections and facts about past events that are impactful to the dispute.
We identify key witnesses and enlist them to bring forward key facts in court. We have a unique track record of enlisting key witnesses to cooperate, including by providing our investigators with relevant documents and executing signed declarations. We obtain cooperation from witnesses in ways that will withstand scrutiny in court and in the public eye.
We work with large data sets to provide our clients with results they can put to use, whether it be identifying witnesses or identifying patterns and causation. We track issues on social media platforms and the Internet to keep our clients informed about topics of interest.
We are court recognized experts. We have extensive experience providing testimony in state and federal court in cases involving topics such as evidence preservation, investigations and digital forensic methodologies and procedures.